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The Voice Of Reason

be the reason for the conversation

Enter The Law Of Attraction.....

Is it coincidence or are you attracting everything you ask for?
What is synchronicity?

According to Psychology Today synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate—and seemingly unrelated—experiences as being meaningfully intertwined, even though there is no evidence that one led to the other or that the two events are linked in any other causal way. Though many people perceive signs or spiritual meaning in synchronistic events, most scientists believe that such events are more likely coincidences that only seem meaningful due to aspects of human thinking such as confirmation bias.

According to me, synchronicity is the unexpected spice of life. You know that spice, the one the dances on your taste buds when you are least expecting it. This is a moment of sheer delight. This is a moment of, perhaps, of coincidence where many beautiful gifts unfold.

As I look back on my life, there are so many coincidences that seem unfathomable to the naked eye and thinking mind. When we try to navigate our lives with a logical and rational brain, synchronicity is not a possibility. When we guide our lives with faith, intuition, and creativity synchronicity is unleashed.

Why do certain people come into our lives? Why are we drawn to a situation that we have no place being? Why are we struck with ideas and then-poof- they magically appear in front of our very eyes?

My friend, Michael Losier, author of the international best-seller, Law of Attraction sat on Oprah's stage and spoke to the power of these unexplainable events. Losier simply taught the lesson that when our thoughts, our minds, and our actions are all aligned we receive results. We may be the recipient of meaningful whispers from the universe. Or we may be knocked down to our core with powerful and unexplainable events. Michael, in his signature training bravado, speaks and lives by the power of this intangible law. In fact, Oprah was so enthralled, she invited him on her show four times which led to an opportunity of a lifetime. Michael hopped on a plane from British Columbia and took the reigns as a HARPO superstar hosting a show on the Oprah radio network.


Was Oprah's invitation a coincidence, or were Michael's thoughts, actions, and words all aligned to manifest this one opportunity? Ultimately, it is for you to decide.

Michael Losier on Oprah & Friends

Why was Michael Losier, a native of Victoria, BC,
cherry-picked by Oprah herself to be the expert on the Law of Attraction?

Michael's ground-breaking book questions those moments of happenstance that have no true foundation in critical thinking. Have you noticed that sometimes what you need just falls into place? Perhaps you've met the perfect client or life partner merely by being at the right place at the right time. On the other hand, there are some people who find themselves in one terrible relationship after another or who seem unable to shake off their bad luck. These experiences are evidence of a very powerful force. It's called the Law of Attraction, and right now it's attracting people, jobs, situations, and relationships to you. The Law of Attraction can be defined as: I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative.

Having the opportunity to work alongside Michael was truly a lesson in expanding my mind. Pounded into my head was the reminder that what I thought and what I said had a direct impact on what was in my life. I began to see that if I did not intentionally curate each thought, each word, and each action- I would be surrounded by the shrapnel of energies I least desired.

the proof is in the pudding.

Believe In Yourself And Everything Happens

I started a new tradition last year. This tradition was that on December 31st, I would write a letter to myself that I would open on the following December 31st. This letter would be a declaration of hopes, dreams, goals, and intentional bullet points of what I would be doing in the year following.

This direct act of putting pen to paper and declaring my unwavering vision for my life created a mental roadmap for myself. This past year I proclaimed I would become one to many. I would use my voice to make an impact on this world. I would speak on stages-even if my knees were knocking and the steady breath of anxiety gripped my brain.

This declaration, my actions, my thoughts, and my words collided with a year that was beyond my wildest expectations. I have graced stages, launched 2 podcasts, and continue to use my voice daily to reach people that need my words to believe in themselves.

Synchronicity, Serendipity, The Law of Attraction, Happenstance, or even Kismit may be responsible for those unexpected circumstances of bliss. Or it may be the intervention of the Universe. What I know to be true is when you truly believe in yourself and share this unabashed confidence with the universe, you are unstoppable.

Thank You Universe. Grateful.

Video Cred goes to my girls, Tia Morell Walden and Mika Altidor- and of course, our buddy- Dragon.

You got this- xo Jules

Listen to the #obsessedpodcast

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This roller coaster of life, at points, seems unfair. Especially when we are thrust into a traumatic situation.

I have the privilege of talking with amazing experts every day. This privilege is not taken lightly. In fact, I believe it is my duty to be the ambassador for their platforms as they give of their selves tirelessly to mend broken spirits. My conversations weave in and out of grief, trauma, resilience, toxic families, reactive situations and so much more. I have been educated by the best and today, I share the wisdom imparted to me by these prolific professionals.

I like to give a nod to Mercury being in retrograde. It seems like the past few weeks have been riddled with life-stopping experiences. The weight of this stress has compounded upon my shoulders, so I am putting my pen to paper. Perhaps this is a cathartic indulgence, and more importantly, this may be life-changing for you.


Are you stressed out? Are you reeling from a trauma? Are you in the middle of a life-altering adjustment? If so, read on. If not, read on because the tools that you learn when life is smooth will be the weapons you have to fight when life gets really rocky.

Lessons From The Masters:

Heidi has taught me a new narrative when talking to someone who is experiencing loss. Loss can look like death, a job loss, a breakup, or even something transitional like a move. Heidi lost her husband, unexpectedly the day before her 40th birthday and is now a warrior in grief awareness. Heidi taught me what matters most is that you are there for your person. Loss is triggering for us, and often we are immobilized and unable to find the right words to comfort those closest to us.

Just being there is often enough.

Heidi Dunstan, Leader In Grief Advocay

Julie Riga: Thought Leader and Tedx Speaker: The power of one person can change the trajectory of someone's life. One kind word, one kind gesture can give another human the power to get through their day. We never know the challenges another person faces-and the power of one person who cares has an exponential ripple effect. When she was a teenager, she suffered from Graves disease and felt she was invisible. One person, believed in her and extended a friendship that gave her the courage to be better, do better and stay on course.

Dr. Doonick (aka) Dragon teaches that there is so much untapped potential in taking a pause. How we react distinguishes ourselves from others. The power between the stimulus and the reaction is the moment where we can choose to emotionally respond, or take a pause. This pause gives us the opportunity to look at a situation objectively and respond in accordance. Dragon's wisdom can be heard bi-weekly on his podcast, Rise Up With Dragon. If you want to think a little bit differently about your life- you need to listen.

Rise Up With Dragon, ft. Dr. JC Doornick

Tamara Johnson-Shealey, US Senate Candidate

Tamara is running for US Senate in the state of Georgia. When I asked her how she dealt with naysayers in her life and in her campaign, she clearly stated that she was so strong in her mission that nothing else could distract her from her purpose and mission. She has a firm foundation in her faith and finds resilience in her purpose, she is leading her community towards change and is unwavering in her fight to right the wrongs her ancestors have endured.

Tamara is a testament to grit and perseverance. Tamara taught me that if you see wrong, make it right- no matter what distractors throw your way.

Kelly Gunther, US Olympian

The odds were against this Olympian from day one. She suffered from learning disabilities that predicted a bleak future. She rose to the occasion and eliminated the white noise from her ecosystem.

She was told she was not good enough, fast enough, or talented enough. Every time she was knocked down-she got up again. This was solidified when she suffered a compound fracture on her ankle and was told she would never skate again.

Kelly's sheer determination and hard work led her to the 2014 Sochi Olympics where she represented the United States.

Reinvention is her middle name. And setbacks have made Kelly "The Comeback Kid"

Dr. Nima Rahmany, Living A Trigger Proof Life

Somatic healing, also known as somatic experiencing and somatic experiencing therapy, somatic therapy incorporates the mind, body, and spirit into therapeutic healing work. Somatic therapy aims to treat the effects of PTSD and other mental and emotional health issues through the connection of mind and body and uses a body-centric approach.

Dr. Nima Rahmany is leading the revolution on how to live a trigger-proof life. His gobsmacking approach to getting to the root cause of trauma changed the way I look and lead my life. His intuitive approach to understanding how our childhood experiences directly affect how we operate as adults are life-changing. When we understand the experience we had, validate its power and then recognize it and how it affects our current life-we are able to make impactful shifts in our relationships.

I had the opportunity to have a conversation with her just months after her 16-year old son, Sammy, passed away.

Dr. Laura Berman

Dr. Laura is living proof that in moments of deep pain it is possible to experience flickers of joy. Her testimony and her years of research were met with a collision of unimaginable darkness that defies this world's natural order of existence. On February 7th, Dr. Laura walked into her sixteen-year-old son's bedroom to have a chat with him and found him lying on the floor aspirating. Despite a valiant effort from medical responders, he remained listless and unresponsive. That moment was the demarcation of a new way of existing. On that heartbreaking day, Dr. Laura began a life that was void of the earthly connection to the child who infused laughter and joy into her life.

Dr. Laura immediately accessed her default mode. By nature, she is a helper, and through her blinding pain, she knew she had to reach out to help others. She understood that her celebrity status could help spare other mothers the pain of losing a child. Dr. Laura taught me that even in our darkest moments, there are flickers of light.

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”-Rumi

Have you ever been thrown a curveball? In particular from your family? If so, listen closely. Dr. Sherrie Campbell is talking about things no one wants to talk about: toxic families.

The truth is, Dr. Sherrie is an intellect, who empowers her clients and readers with the tools to break free from relationships that are like poison to your soul. Dr. Sherrie is an author, nationally recognized thought leader, and a regularly featured expert in TV and radio. Her accolades include her tenure as a blogger for the Huffington Post, weekly contributor for Entrepreneur, and Licensed Psychologist with over two decades of clinical training and experience. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2003, where and specializes in psychotherapy with adults and teenagers. If that is not enough, she prides herself on being a connected mother to her teenage daughter. What is more powerful, is that Dr. Sherrie brings to the table a personal account of how she was subject to years of manipulative abuse.

Dr. Sherrie gives permission to disengage from family members who keep you in a cycle of abuse. Dr. Sherrie teaches that it is every single human's birthright to live an empowered life.

Mic Drop

I recognize that I am beyond blessed to have had powerful conversations with these experts. Every day I remind myself that it takes a community of healers to uplift our collective souls. Do the work, reach out for help.

If you want to hear our conversations with any of these experts, listen to them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts-or click here:

And remember,



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When you think you know everything, this is when everything is unknown

I am going to tell you one thing.

Sit quietly and think about this.

When you are feeling confident, when you are feeling like all the boxes in your life are checked- be prepared for a jolt of reality from the universe. We have no control over anything.

Control is an illusion.

This illusion that we are supposed to be in the space of confidence, and owning our life is just that, an illusion. Typically I love to explore self-development and fancy a spin on everything that is positive. I enjoy basking in the beauty of possibility. I find optimism in the rain. I am confident that there will be a rainbow.

WARNING: My friends, the universe has other plans- as the universe indicated to me this week with a jarring reminder

My vibrations were at an all time high. I was connecting professionally with amazing thought leaders and visualizing a path of abundance. I had an opportunity to speak this week and was in the middle of this engagement when I noticed my phone lighting up. I pushed my phone to the side, as I engaged in a confident address to a group of eager professionals wishing to elevate their business' visibility.

My phone continued as if it was in a state of uncontrollable panic. On a typical day I do not look at my phone during a meeting or engagement. However, this day, my phone was carelessly tucked under my leg, as I sat poised and primed to deliver a message--that now seems poignantly irrelevant.

911 flashed from urgent texts. My friends kept calling, even though I did not answer. Instinctively, I knew something was not right. The rythym of urgency led me to take a pause from my speaking engagement, and I was met with the news that confirmed,

The universe has plans for us. The universe will not let us get too lofty or too full of ourselves. We are sent messages daily reminding us that we are not truly in control of of lives. Within a brief moment, I was reminded of this fact and how fragile life is. I was reminded what is truly important. The importance of staying present and cherishing those vital relationships in our lives should be the priority of our days.

I answered the call and was immediately met with panic.

"She was hit by a car, a hit and run, she was jogging, she has a brain bleed, she is in ICU, she is in a coma......."

Those words seered into my dna and everything that was important to me 5 minutes prior was no longer important. The fragility of life trumped all priorities.

I asked myself, where did I lose sight of the important things? Where do we lose sight of the things that really define our existence on this earth?

According to the Elephant Journal : Grief releases trauma from the body as much as it opens the heart to the spaciousness of love it has not encountered before. It transforms the shame back into resilience and self-love. It brings us back into right relationship with goodness that is our true nature—without compensation or denial.

When we are jarred from a space of complete bravado and bliss into the thorny reality of life, we take stock of what is important an reprioritize. We are never allowed as humans to rise to god-like stature. We are never allowed as humans to maintain a space of distorted self-celebration. The universe naturally corrects our egos.

The Essentials Of Keeping Yourself In Check:

  • Practice Humility

  • Volunteer

  • Mentor

  • Pay It Forward

  • Say A Kind Word To A Stranger

  • Check In With The Elderly

  • Offer your time to people who need it

  • Be present with your family

  • Honor others opinions

  • Listen actively

  • Flex your emotional intelligence

  • And thank the universe every day you wake up and are in the space of people you adore.

You got this Britt- xoxoJules

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