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The Voice Of Reason

be the reason for the conversation

The dawn of The Great Resignation in 2021 has initiated Corporate America to want more from their professional life. We are wanting to command our lives on our own terms.

The Great Resignation is leading millions of savvy, outside-the-box thinkers to the promised land of entrepreneurship. The latest statistics confirm that employees want to be released from corporate strongholds. In fact, these numbers showed that 4.5 million people voluntarily left their positions in November–an “all-time high,” according to the US Bureau of Labor and Economics.

This visceral movement from being an employee to being your own boss has created a flood of newly-born creatives who want to call their own shots. With an onslaught of newbies carving out their niches, competition seems fierce. However, the competitive advantage is simply, there is no competition.

Yes, this is correct, there is no such thing as competition. Understanding your brand and distinguishing yourself from the rest is your greatest weapon in creating a business that thrives, not just survives. Surrounding yourself with mentors and experts in your field is too, essential in doing business right.

Myth-My Business Will Grow With Ease and Rapidly

Building a business from scratch takes time. Like anything worthwhile, a viable business takes time. My clients often seem baffled at one point in their business development journey. This point is when they have poured their heart and soul into a business and receive little ROI. They crave their efforts and passion to be validated and become confused by the white noise of “advisors” who offer quick and tidy solutions to their business problems. The one thing I know for sure is that nothing in business is quick or tidy. If something seems to be too good to be true, well, it is too good to be true.

The internet, while a dear friend of mine, is a nexus of quick fixes and promises of big breaks. Find opportunities to network, learn and grow. Slow and steady is how we win the race. Do not diminish the power of Google. Google can make or break businesses these days. Befriend the powerful Google Engine, by creating an SEO-rich website. Make Google your closest alliance in building your business.

Tips to razzle dazzle Google:

  • Start a Google Business- I am a staunch believer that Google Business is the backbone of my business. I pride myself on my 5 star reviews and Google agrees. I get referrals from Google daily because of my intentionality of curating a powerful presence with Google Business.

  • Be a guest on podcasts.

  • Write blogs or be a guest blogger.

  • Send out press releases and court local and national media outlets.

  • Speak on stages- even if it is at your local library.

  • Have a powerful LinkedIn profile (yes this is social media, however, Google likes LinkedIn and adds to your credibility)

  • Utilize other powerful search engines like YouTube and Pinterest. (Pinterest is an unsung giant in search engine optimization)

  • Write a book-YES I KNOW THIS IS A BIG ASK, however, writing that book leverages you as an expert and gets Google to notice you.

Myth- It is all about followers on social media.

Social Media is a land upon which we stake our claim, and we do not own this land. Facebook crashes, Instagram crashes and there are those infamous hackers who take over everything.

Followers and likes do not make a business. In fact, I have seen a lot of businesses fail because their energy invested into cultivating a perfect look on social media and garnering followers is energy wasted. The key to building any business is building authentic relationships. The handshake is the most powerful ingredient in building a relationship. Having potential clients, know, like, and trust you is when they feel comfortable in your ecosystem.

This takes time. This is not neat and tidy. The road to building true connective relationships means putting yourself out there and leveraging your expertise.

Myth- I can do it alone.

Unfortunately, we cannot do it alone. Find a mentor. Get a coach. Rise to the occasion and understand that your brilliance will be muted if you allow your ego to steer the ship. If anything, reach out to a mentor on is the gold standard in matching new business owners with local mentors. The icing on the cake is that they do this for free. You are matched with a professional who has the experience to guide you through the daunting process of building a business you love. These mentors provide you with tools to develop a strategy for your ultimate success.

You Got This--Jules

Julie Lokun, JD. a legal eagle and facilitator of dreams, is changing the trajectory of underserved entrepreneurs who are using their voice to make an impact. As a mom of four (4) boys, Julie has learned to leverage her power to lead a bustling household while also serving as the head maven of Crown & Compass Life Coaching. She adeptly "anoints and points" -- directing the strategic growth of businesses and professionals around the globe. Julie has delivered presentations on the big stage, and in virtual events. With a background in law, she teases through complex information and gets to the root of issues, telling deep, compelling stories that resonate with audiences far and wide. She is a celebrated best-selling author of the entrepreneurial series, Hustle Smart, the owner of The Mediacasters Publishing House with several bestselling titles, and is a 5-star business coach. In the spring of 2021, Julie launched a swiftly growing podcast, Obsessed with Humans On The Verge of Change which is already in the top 3% of all podcasts globally.*

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You are your brand. You have the choice to create a brand that is mediocre or build an empire that is unforgettable.

Isn't it time to be unforgettable? The journey of building a thriving business is a test of our faith and a testimony to our resilience.

According to Kathleen Palmer, a personal brand is

"the entirety of how you present yourself in the world. It encompasses who you are as a person, as an employee, and as an expert in your chosen field. Creating your personal brand can be the linchpin in achieving your professional goals, by providing a fuller picture of who you are to your potential employer".

What do people say when you leave the room? Are they overwhelmed with your generosity, your flamboyance, your intellect? Or do people simply forget that you were there?

If you are an entrepreneur, author, podcaster, or public figure your brand is your identity. The easy part is to create the vision, write the book, or launch a podcast, the challenge comes in keeping it alive. Without you at the helm of your product or service, you are easily forgettable. If you are not in the trenches curating your brand then everyone else is doing it for you. This is something you need to do every day. This is something you need to distinguish yourself so you become unforgettable.

As a creative, I understand that the idea of being consistent in your brand visibility seems overwhelming. We are fed as a generation, that social media is the end-all-and be-all of marketing. I will attest that this is a falsehood. In fact, social media, while an important element of a marketing plan, is not a place to put all your energy. Putting all our eggs in one basket can lead to disruption. When we focus all of our attention on social media, we give the power to a bigger entity that owns ALL of our content. Social media is working on borrowed land.

Doing the same thing everyone else is doing makes us a part of the white noise. When we start to think outside of the box, we distinguish ourselves from the competition.

Building your brand is born the same way that brands have been built for hundreds of years. It starts with a handshake. It grows into a relationship of knowing, liking, and trust. When a relationship is formed you will garner a true following of readers, clients, and participants in your programs.

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos

Establishing yourself as an expert is where you need to start.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What Do I Do Differently Than Anyone Else?

  • How Do I Present My Service or Brand Better Than Anyone Else?

  • How Can I Distinguish Myself From The White Noise?

  • How Can I Describe My Brand In One Sentence?

  • What Do People Say About Me After I leave The Room?

If you are not purposeful in your branding efforts, you will be branded by everyone you come into contact with. When you are serious about growing, scaling, and monetizing your efforts it is imperative you start considering the following tools to leverage yourself as an expert.

Be Unforgettable-

This is the work you need to do. Do it with joy.

The objective of most entrepreneurs and creatives is to get seen (and get clients). This can be a daunting task. The most important aspect of visibility is leveraging yourself as an expert. Leveraging your expertise cannot be expected, it needs to be commanded.

Where do you begin?

How can you present yourself online and in-person as an expert in what you do?

WARNING-- This advice is for visionaries. This guidance is for creatives and entrepreneurs who are purpose-driven and who have the understanding that their mission on earth is to leave their legacy.

Building a multi-dimensional business means leveraging your expertise on a variety of platforms. It means creating a substantial online presence, being consistent, and understanding the audience you serve. I recognized as a newly minted entrepreneur that I had to distinguish myself. I understood that I had to take risks and exercise my due diligence as an explorer of human psychology.

Before you understand the power of your expertise, understand your audience.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the pain point of your potential client?

  • What keeps them up at night?

  • What do they need, want, and desire?

Understanding your audience's pain points is the first step in curating your message. The second is the ability to articulate your solution to their deepest needs.

Understand that you need to do something bigger and bolder than everyone else to demarcate yourself as an expert.

This is how I have found exponential success in building my business.

  1. WRITE THE BOOK- This may seem unattainable. However, with the dawn of Amazon and KDP, the ability to self-publish your book is available to the masses. Be certain to have an editor, understand the ins and outs of the overall layout of your book, and have a supportive community that will give you valuable feedback. Writing and publishing your book commands your expertise.

  2. LAUNCH THE PODCAST- A well-executed podcast is a gateway to conversations and collaborations that you would not have as a non-podcaster. Podcasting is the "leg in the door", giving you the opportunity to court people that are potential clients and collaborators.

  3. START SPEAKING ON STAGES- If you have established your expertise, the stages call for your message. The title of "TEDx" opens doors that do not close. Speaking on stages is a way to monetize your business and grow your confidence as a professional.

  4. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS- Dismiss social media. Dismiss the white noise of arbitrary advice from YouTubers, Influencers, and the like. My greatest success is through creating relationships the old-fashioned way. There is no power greater than the handshake.

Remember, it all begins with you. You have the choice to create an influential change in your life and business.


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Mark your calendars because 2022 is robust with events for you to join. Check out some of my favorites.

I am obsessed with podcasting.

This is the truth. I have 2 podcasts (Obsessed & Femcasters) and I have found podcasting to be a true outlet for my voice and creativity. If you have ever considered starting a podcast-do it today. (Check out my earlier blog on why you need to start one today).

Why attend a podcasting event?

Whether live or virtual attending a podcasting event gives you the opportunity to build a community, learn the latest tools and tricks, and create relationships beyond the microphone.

Many of these events give you the opportunity to pitch yourself as a speaker. As the brand of your podcast, it is important to understand that visibility is a key factor in broadening your audience and strengthening your brand.

DON'T DO IT ALONE: The power of building a community.

Here are my top reasons for not doing this thing called life alone-

  1. Collective Wisdom- There is collective wisdom in surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals. This does not mean a homogeneous community of same-minded thinkers. It simply means that the group has a similar set of core values as you do.

  2. Pushing Our Limits- A powerful community pushes us to think differently and do more. A genuine group of authentic humans gently nudge us to reframe ideas that we have long held.

  3. Support And Belief- The side-effect of participating in the empowering space of a community is that you create a tribe that understands your story. When your path gets rocky you have cheerleaders reminding you of your strength.

  4. Borrowed Motivation-The energy that poured out during each meeting, conference, or event provides me with an electrifying feeling that motivates me to do better each day.

  5. New Ideas- Isolation, especially during the pandemic, often leads to a narrow way of thinking. The exchange of ideas allows for a fresh perspective that elevates our thoughts and actions.

Doing life (or podcasting) alone deprives you of the rich tapestry of lessons fellow humans have to offer. Doing life alone keeps you stuck in the monologue of your current situation. The power of having the strength of your community behind you allows you the access to believe bigger and do better.

After all, isn't life better together?- You Got This-- Jules

Click on the pictures below and check out my podcasts!

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